1 min read

Ido Portal's Tennis Ball Boxing

I'm a big fan of Ido Portal's movement culture. He is know for many unconventional exercises that promote coordination, balance, strength, and flexibility. One exercise that stuck out for me is the tennis ball boxing challenge. The goal is to use your fists to bounce off a tennis ball from a wall without it touching the ground. Here's a video of Ido performing the exercise.

Recently Kitaro Waga did a great YouTube video about his own journey to mastering this skill, by aiming for 100 repititions. He points out some insightful nuances that can be applied to learning other skills as well. One thing that stuck out to me is to optimize for a sense of progress. A good goal is to aim for a success to failure ratio of 3 to 1. In this case Kitaro used lower numbers, e.g. 30 reps instead of 100, which he could reach 75% of the time. With additional skill he could slowly raise this number.

Mastering tennis ball boxing is still on my bucket list but feel free to lead the way and let me know how it went for you.